Sugar Shack Burlesque presents: Hack This III, during the closing night festivities for SUMMERCON, the nations oldest hacking convention, tonight, June 9th. Doors open at 9pm, and the show begins at 10pm. Tickets are $10 but free for SummerCon attendees.
Once again, Sugar Shack Burlesque adds a little sugar to the world's oldest Hacker's Convention. Open to the public as well as SummerCon attendees and starring NYC's geekiest, nerdiest, and hottest burlesque stars: DARLINDA JUST DARLINDA, DANGRRR DOLL, BUNNY LOVE,LEGS MALONE, EKATERINA, STELLA CHU AND DEEDEE LUXE. Hosted by NYC's own "Make it Happen Girl" : RUNAROUND SUE.
The show plays at Littlefields, located at 322 Degraw St., Brooklyn. For more about the venue, visit, and for more about the production, go to