The monthly comedy show is hosted by six of NYC's most intriguing comics, performers, and weirdos: including Hank Browning (Funny or Die, Broadway Comedy Club), Samantha Fontana (F'd in the East Village, Gotham), Gregory Lotsvin (Funny or Die, Broadway Comedy Club), Shane O'Neill (Tonight's Special, Characters Welcome at UCB), Jill Pangallo (Joe's Pub, Gotham), and David Perez (Shade at Steppenwolf, David on Demand). In addition to the regular lineup, each evening features 2 to 3 guest comics whose credits range from The Late Show with David Letterman, Conan, MTV, Comedy Central, and The Jim Gaffigan Show.
With a broad range of perspective, styles, and levels of depression, S.U.C.K. creates a show as diverse as New York City itself except that they only feature one person of color. But they DO have two half-jews, an adopted person, a gay gentleman who's occasionally mistaken for trans, and a white dude who can grow an afro.
Performances take place at The Mockingbird Bar (between East 2nd and 3rd Streets), 25 Avenue B, New York. Subways: J/Z/M to Delancey-Essex Street.
Tickets are $5.00 and are available at:
July 21 Christmas in July! -
August 25 August of Wind -
Doors open at 7:30 pm, no drink minimum.
More info available at
Special Guests Include:
July 21: Joel Kim Booster (Comedy Central, TBS's Conan) & Cole Escola (Joe's Pub/Hulu's Difficult People)
August 25: TBA
Former guests have included: John Early (Portlandia/Neighbors 2), Lizz Winstead (The Daily Show/The Jim Gaffigan Show), Isaac Oliver (Joe's Pub/ HBO's High Maintenance), Joyelle Johnson (Comedy Cellar/ Wyatt Cenac's Night Train), Shane Torres (Montreal Just For Laugh's/Comedy Central), among others.