, a digital entertainment destination for scripted and unscripted web series created by Broadway's premiere talent, have joined forces with the hilarious duo of theater insiders to present "The First Annual Schmackty Awards" produced and directed by Kevin Duda (Beautiful, Book of Morman) and Gregg Monteith (Beauty and the Beast tour).
Hosted by 2014 Tony nominee, Jarrod Spector from Beautiful: The Carol King Musical, the video features tourists and New Yorkers alike reading lines from this year's Tony nominated shows outside the hugely popular cookie shop, Schmackary's on 45th Street. And the Schmackty goes to...?
See it now at is a "hub of must-see web series" (USA Today) aiming "to lure a demographic of 25-to-54-year-old females by using Broadway as a jumping-off point," (Variety) by producing and presenting original and curated entertainment for the world's largest stage - the Internet.
JARROD SPECTOR (host) From a childhood stint on TV's Star Search, Jarrod Spector has shared his musical gifts with audiences. The Philadelphia native debuted on Broadway as Gavroche in Les Miserables, then took an academic detour to Princeton before rededicating himself to a career as a performer. After opening the Chicago company of Jersey Boys as Frankie Valli, Spector was tapped to play the singer on Broadway in 2008. By the time his run was finished, Jarrod had played Frankie on stage more than 1500 times, an impressive feat by Broadway standards. His debut album Minor Fall, Major Lift was released in 2012. In 2014, Jarrod was nominated for a Tony Award for Best Supporting Actor in a Musical for his role as Barry Mann in Beautiful: The Carole King Musical.Videos