Acclaimed artists ANNIE SPRINKLE and ELIZABETH STEVENS have dedicated themselves to doing art projects that generate, celebrate, and explore love. This is their "Love Art Laboratory," and their response to the violence of war, the anti-gay marriage movement, and the excessive greed in our culture that is causing severe environmental damage. Each year of their project is devoted to a different theme and color, and each year they have an interactive wedding. They will have seven weddings, inspired by performance artist Linda Montano's, Seven Years of Living Art. Now in the fourth year of their project, Sprinkle and Stephens will have their fourth wedding in the Shakespeare Glen outdoor amphitheater at the University of California in Santa Cruz on the afternoon of May 17th, 2008. Three hundred guests, all wearing green, are are expected to attend GREEN WEDDING #4.
Annie Sprinkle is an internationally acclaimed performance artist. She was a pivotal player in the sex positive feminist movement of the 1970s-1980s. She was the first porn star to earn a Ph.D. Elizabeth Stephens is an intermedia artist, Chair of the Art Department at University of California in Santa Cruz, and a full professor of art. Stephens and Sprinkle have been domestic partners for five years. They were legally married in Canada last year when their Yellow Wedding was part of a theater festival. Over three hundred people attended. They live in San Francisco and Boulder Creek, California with their dog Bob.The artists ask for no material gifts for GREEN WEDDING #4, but instead invite their friends, colleagues, students and the general public to collaborate on the creation of the wedding. This year over seventy people will be participating including renowned artists Guillermo Gómez-Peña as the High Aztec Priest, Linda Montano leading her Amore chant, famous Fluxus artist Geoffrey Hendricks as the Flux Priest, and artist in popular demand Nao Bustamante as the flower grrrl. Porn star legend Veronica Hart will Emcee. There will be glamorous brides' maids, charming best men/women/transsexuals. There will also be experimental musicians, a procession of dozens of artists, and very likely some anti-gay marriage protesters. Parts of the wedding will be radically traditional and other parts radically non-traditional. This promises to be a wedding like no other.Videos