The Sound It Out 1st Anniversary Hot House Festival & Fundraiser for Greenwich House Music School - taking place Thursday July 18 through Sunday July 21, 2013 - celebrates the first year of the Sound It Out series at Greenwich House, along with raising money for the venerable music school. The New York Times has called Sound It Out "reliably rewarding," while Time Out New York has described the concert series as "thriving." (See at bottom for a list of past performers in the series.) Some of New York's most creative improvisers and jazz composers will be coming together for the festival, generously pitching in for two or more sets per night and anything-can-happen joint encores - see the nightly schedule below. During the festival, the Greenwich House Music School will also host an art show by Steven Byram, designer of classic album covers from the Beastie Boys to Tim Berne (and creator of the Sound It Out logo and 1stAnniversary Hot House Festival poster). Photos by Eliseo Cardona will also be displayed from the past year of Sound It Out. There will be wine and whiskey tastings, too, plus other goodies.
Tickets are $20 per night, available at the door; all profits will go to help fund the activities of the Greenwich House Music School, which is located at 46 Barrow Street, half a block west of Seventh Avenue South (212-242-4770, It Out 1st Anniversary Hot House Festival & FundraiserThursday, July 18: 7:00 pm: Drummer Dave King & saxophonist Chris SpeedVideos