Directed by influential Chinese avant-garde theater director Meng Jinghui and starring Huang Xiangli, the compelling solo performance Nine and a Half Love opens at Asia Society in New York on December 14 and 15, 2018, as part of the Creative China Festival 2018.
As one of China's most significant and celebrated theater directors, Meng is the touchstone for contemporary theater production with his incisive wit and radical style. His unique and dynamic artistic expression has become a notable phenomenon in China where, since the 1990s, he has presented over 40 productions on stage, garnering widespread public recognition. Nine and a Half Love is the third one-woman performance collaboration between Meng and Huang, following Letter from an Unknown Woman and Bonjour Tristesse. Based on a true story of revenge in southern China, the play reconstructs the dramatic narrative by combining elements from Homer's epics, Greek tragedy, Nietzche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra, and Krzysztof Kieslowski's Blind Chance, among other works of inspiration.Videos