Singing OnStage Productions, a new musical theatre Production Company, has announced the first of their on-going 4-Week Musical Theatre Audition and Showcase Classes, to begin September 12, 2011.
Co-taught by artistic director Richard Biever and an industry leader, the Audition classes will train students to develop bullet-proof audition material. Showcases will be directed by Biever and choreographed by MK Lawson, choreographer of NYU Steinhardt's undergraduate musical theatre showcase. Students will have the opportunity to be seen by talent agents, casting directors, and directors.
September's Audition Class will be co-taught by Lisa Price, talent agent from The Price Group. The 4-Week Musical Theatre Audition class is $300 and will be held at Davenport Studios, 250 W. 49th St. To register, visit
The first Showcase class will begin September 14, run for four weeks, culminating with a performance the fourth week. Tuition is $400 and will be held at a NYC Midtown rehearsal studio. To register, visit
Singing On Stage Productions (SOS) is a new musical theatre Production Company located in the heart of New York City's theatre district. SOS is committed to developing new musicals and new talent by providing audition classes, showcase classes taught by industry leaders and producing showcase productions, all of which give participants the opportunity to hone their craft and to be seen by casting directors, directors, agents and other industry. In addition, SOS's unique Music Director Training Program is a rare opportunity for talented musicians to develop their works and to learn from industry leaders the various skills necessary to be a successful music director.