Signature Theatre has announced that it will continue to take part in the Open Your Lobby campaign, keeping its lobby doors open to protesters this weekend.
Signature's lobby will be open on Friday, June 12, Saturday, June 13, and Sunday, June 14, from 2pm-6pm. The theatre will provide bathrooms, free wifi, bottled water, snacks, and hand sanitizer.
It is asked that all who enter wear a face mask.
NYC protesters, our lobby continues to be open to you providing bathrooms, free wifi, bottled water, snacks, and hand sanitizer! Next open Fri. 6/12, Sat. 6/13, and Sun. 6/14, 2:00 - 6:00pm. Thank you for doing this work! #openyourlobby #blacklivesmatter #blmnyc
- Signature Theatre (@SignatureTheatr) June 9, 2020