The White Horse Theater Company will perform Sam Shepard's Buried Child at The American Theatre of Actors (314 West 54th St.) in NYC, from January 27, 2006 to February 12, 2006. The play is directed by Cyndy A. Marion, who USA Today called "a budding young Shepard interpreter."
Winner of the 1979 Pulitzer Prize, Buried Child "punctures the Norman Rockwell like exterior of American family life, revealing a disturbingly rotten core. Set in rural Illinois farm country, the play depicts a family poisoned by repressed desires, shattered relations and a deeply suppressed secret. The arrival of two estranged relatives forces the family not only to face each other, but also the secret they have been hiding. Who is the child buried in the back yard? Why have they been hiding its death all these years?," according to press notes.
Marion's other directing credits with White Horse include:The Late Henry Moss, A Lie of The Mind, States of Shock and True West. Other New York directing credits include Fool For Love, La Turista, 12 Angry Men, Last Train to Nibroc, Mud and The Mandala.
"The White Horse Theater Company is a non-profit organization dedicated to producing plays for the public by and involving American artists. They strive to unleash, investigate and question American social and political issues by re-examining American classics and developing new American voices. This production has been made possible in part through the sponsorship of The Field, and with funding provided by White Horse Theater Company Sponsors."
The show's performance schedule is: Tuesday-Saturdays at 8pm, Sundays at 3pm. For tickets, which are $15, call 212-868-4444 or visit this link. For more information on the company, visit