CBS recently announced the series order of YOUNG SHELDON, a new half-hour, single-camera comedy for broadcast in the 2017-2018 season. Created by Chuck Lorre & Steven Molaro, the series follows THE BIG BAND THEORY's Sheldon Cooper at the age of 9, living with his family in East Texas and going to high school. Young Broadway critic Iain Armitage will take on the role of 9-year-old Sheldon, while Zoe Perry, Lance Barber, Raegan Revord and Montana Jordan co-star.
Yesterday, Jim Parsons, who plays the grown up Cooper on the long-running CBS comedy, and his younger counterpart, Armitage came together to take in a performance of Broadway's Come From Away, which just yesterday picked up 7 TONY AWARDS, including a nod for Best Musical.
Both actors turned to social media to share their fun night on the town, with Parsons commenting, "What a great time: Saw the fantastic Come From Away with the equally fantastic Iain", while Armitage shared on Instagram: "Iain was so happy to see one of his favorite shows with one of his favorite people! Thank you for a great evening. Jim Parsons! Come From Away remains such a terrific show and it was fun to celebrate the cast tonight!"
Check out the post below: