Settecasi Productions announces the world-premiere production of Uncle Giff's Christmas Special, a new holiday theatrical event written and directed by Gianfranco Settecasi, from December 18th through the 21st, at the legendary Gene Frankel Theatre, in the East Village.
Inspired by live-action specials from the 1950s and 60s, Uncle Giff's Christmas Special is a tuneful, sneering homage presented as a "live broadcast" television extravaganza, a tribute to early variety television, and also to the characters and irreverent humor of Patrick Dennis' Auntie Mame.
Uncle Giff's Christmas Special follows the madcap and fabulous Uncle Giff, who, through his influence and connections in show business, has secured Studio 42 at CBS to host a Christmas special of his own devising as an elaborate gift to his young nephew, Dante. What follows can only be described as zany, hilarious and often touching, in fabulously nostalgic and showbiz fashion.Strictly Limited Engagement - 5 Performances Only. Evening Show times are 8 p.m., Thursday through Saturday, with matinee performances at 2 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Tickets are available online or at the door for $15.