The audience can expect to hear 24 songs from Bisen-Hersh's catalog featuring popular songs from his cabaret acts and musicals: Love Quirks, More to Love and Stanley's Party. The evening will also feature six songs from his new musical, The Diamond as Big as The Ritz, an innovative musical based on F. Scott Fitzgerald's novella of the same title about Americans perverse dream for riches as satirized by Fitzgerald in 1922 and as perceived by non-Americans in 2017. The show, written in collaboration with R.C. Staab, will have a theater industry presentation this fall and will feature a multi-cultural cast.
All the proceeds for the evening will go to the Humane Society of New York, which has "cared for animals in need when illness, injury or homelessness strikes" for over 100 years. The Humane Society saved Bisen-Hersh's cat, Smee's, life in 2009, and this annual benefit is his way of saying thanks.
Jennifer Bowles (Matilda)
Kimberly Faye Greenberg (One Night with Fanny Brice)
Cooper Grodin (The Phantom of the Opera)
Megan Masako Haley (Wicked)
TERESA HUI (Love Quirks)
Kimberly Immanuel (Pacific Overtures)
ELLIOT LANE (Ghostlight)
Austin Ku (Pacific Overtures)
MIRIAM KUSHEL (More to Love)
Tyler McKenzie (Mamma Mia)
Brian Charles Rooney (The Threepenny Opera)
Celia Mei Rubin (Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet of 1812)
Matthew Schatz (Heathers: the Musical)
Drew Seigla (The Fantasticks)
Adam B. Shapiro (The Normal Heart)
Edward Tolve (Goodspeed's Anything Goes)
$18 Cover/ 2 Drink Minimum (cash only)
Don't Tell Mama, 343 W. 46th St.
Call for reservations after 4: 212-757-0788 or online at
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