Tonight, November 14, Second Stage opens its much-anticipated production of Little Miss Sunshine. This new musical comedy is based on the film of the same name by Michael Arndt. It was adapted for the stage by Tony Award-winning team James Lapine, who wrote the book, and William Finn, who wrote the lyrics and music. Little Miss Sunshine's run has now been extended through Dec 15.
When Olive Hooper, a young girl, decides that the title of "Little Miss Sunshine" is within her grasp, she convinces her family to make the journey to the pre-teen pageant. Even though they give in, her family is convinced that Olive's dream is rather far-fetched. Along the way, they encounter several mishaps and their plans are almost thwarted. However, the 800-mile trek brings them closer together and they begin to believe that Olive's dream may bring them all closer to happiness.
The role of Olive Hooper is being played by Hannah Nordberg, who is making her Off-Broadway debut at age nine. The cast also includes Stephanie J. Block as Sheryl, Will Swenson as Richard, Logan Rowland as Dwayne, David Rasche as Grandpa Hoover, and Rory O'Malley as Frank.
For tickets, call the box office at 212-246-4422 or click here. Please visit Second Stage for more information.
Photo Credit: Joan Marcus