Last weekend, actor Anthony Rapp revealed that actor Kevin Spacey made sexual advances at him when he was just 14 years old. Both actors were working on Broadway at the time. Though Spacey has since apologized for the incident and came out as gay, his remarks have been strongly criticized by GLAAD and other groups. Since that revelation, Mexican actor Roberto Cavazos and American documentary filmmaker Tony Montana have also come forward with stories of Spacey allegedly making unwanted advances towards them. In addition, Netflix has ceased production on the sixth and final season of HOUSE OF CARDS, in which Spacey stars as Frank Underwood.
Today, Vulture reports that they were approached by a man who says at the age of 14, he had a sexual relationship with Spacey, who was 24 at the time. The man, who wishes to remain anonymous, claims the relationship ended with what he describes as an attempted rape. He tells the site, "I have worked really hard to have a nice life and feel safe, and I'm not giving that up for him. I don't want them to be able to find their way back to me."The man, who was a child actor, first encountered Spacey in 1981 at the age of 12, when the actor was guest teaching a class in Westchester County. They reconnected by chance two years later while waiting in line at Shakespeare in the Park. It was then that their relationship began.
Asked why he decided to come forward at this time with his story, the man explains that he was extremely angry at Spacey's response to Rapp's account. When Vulture reached out for comment from Spacey, his lawyer responded via email, saying: "Mr. Spacey absolutely denies the allegations."
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Photo Credit: Genevieve Rafter-Keddy