On Thursday, October 29, Delete Blood Cancer DMKS held their second annual Halloween-themed Blood Ball, a fundraising event supporting the organizations' work in the fight against blood cancers, at The Box in New York City. The fundraiser raised enough money to register thousands of new potential bone marrow donors.
With more than 300 guests in attendance, the costume ball featured an aerialist, acrobat, contortionist, sword swallower and many more "dark circus" acts with dance music provided by MICK, a noted celebrity DJ. Farrah Krenek (actress, Orange is the New Black), Malan Breton (fashion designer), Mame? Adjei (America's Next Top Model contestant), Amy Hargreaves (actress, Homeland), Jillian Tapper (Miss New York 2014), Catherine Curtin (actress, Orange is the New Black), Dmitry Sholokov (Project Runway winner), Justin Kim (America' Next Top Model contestant), Evander Holyfield Jr. (model and bone marrow donor), Carmen Carrera (model), Sarah Brown (Vogue Contributing Editor), Katia Kokoreva (model), Lily Lane (recording artist), Chantelle Fraser (from Bravo's Blood, Sweat & Heals), and Rain Dove (model) were among the attendees.
"We are proud to have hosted the second sold out Blood Ball this Halloween," said Carina Ortel, CEO of Delete Blood Cancer DKMS. "Each dollar raised goes toward the cost of registering new donors and, we are excited to announce that we have raised enough funds to register more than 2,000 new potential bone marrow donors."
For more information, please visit TheBloodBall.org and for event photos they can be found here: Arrivals or Inside.
Delete Blood Cancer DKMS is part of the world's largest network of donor centers. Our mission is to build the number of suitable bone marrow and stem cell donors, because we believe that no life should be lost due to an inability to find a donor match. We have registered more than 5 million potential donors and facilitated more than 51,000 transplants around the world. But we're not stopping there. We lead the fight against blood cancer by working with families, communities and organizations to recruit donors and provide more patients with second chances at life.
For more information or to register as a bone marrow donor, please visit DeleteBloodCancer.org.