REFUGEES (Flóttamenn) is written by playwright Hlín Agnarsdóttir (Iceland), translated by Ylva Hellerud (Sweden), and directed by Drew O'Kane (USA).
STARRINGRefugees takes place in the home of an Icelandic family in Hlín Agnarsdóttir's highly relevant play from 2010. Vala returns to Iceland from New York to find her mother's house occupied by her two unemployed brothers, Bo and Dan, and Dan's Estonian girlfriend, Elena. It turns out that the brothers are not the only ones living off the goodwill of the mother; the granddaughter, Sara, is hiding refugees in the basement. The family's crises merge with both the Icelandic economic crisis and the international refugee crisis on many levels. But with a clever hint to the Old Testament's nativity of Jesus, this story may have a happy ending . . .
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