SYMPHO presents KAPOW! on Wednesday, June 12, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at the Rubin Museum of Art, located at 150 W. 17th St. (btwn. 5th & 6th Aves.), NYC.
Tickets: General $25, available at, by calling 212.620.5000 x344 and at
Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, Wolverine, and...the Green Lama? The lesser-known but equally lethal comic book hero, Green Lama, basks in the spotlight in this new SYMPHO event, KAPOW! The Green Lama's crime-fighting escapades are brought to life by acclaimed actors, as musicians from SYMPHO provide the live, polystylistic soundtrack to projected images from the comic books themselves.
Narrated and directed by WQXR's Elliott Forrest, Law and Order SVU's Linus Roache portrays the Green Lama, and Tony Roberts, theaward-winning actor and long-time favorite in Woody Allen films, joins the cast as the Green Lama's nemesis.
Pictured: Linus Roache, Tony Roberts, Paul Haas and Elliott Forrest