The Freeman Studio, the Tribeca-based acting studio led by Scott Freeman, continues to supplement its acting curriculum with an unusual mix of panels, talks and workshops in May. The so-called extracurricular activities, which give actors a rich environment in which to broaden creatively and even experiment, include free industry panels and talks, and low-cost workshops called Saturday Specials. Most of these add-ons are led by notable theatre artists, are either free or low-cost, and are open to the public.
Today, May 17, 12noon to 2pm, the hyper-busy Kate Wetherhead and Andrew Keenan-Bolger take part in an discussion led by Scott Freeman exploring the possibilities of self-created content on the Web and the intersection of self-promotion and genuine creative content development. "Creating a Webseries: 'Submissions Only'" is a free event, in which Andrew and Kate discuss how they grew their series, now in its 3rd season and playing on The show's cast and guest stars reads like a virtual who's who of the Broadway stage: Santino Fontana, Chita Rivera, Kristen Chenoweth, Bobby Cannavale, Danny Burstein, Audra McDonald, Kelli O'Hara, and Jesse Tyler Ferguson, to name but a few.
The event is free to the public, so reservations are highly recommended by visiting The Freeman Studio, 79 Leonard Street, is between Broadway and Church Street. For more information call 212/802-8111.