Brian Ogilvie (Gigi, Mary Poppins) stars in Stalker: The Musical, a satirical new show, that will run August 14 - 26 as a part of the New York Fringe Festival. The production will be the only Australian entry accepted into the festival, which features over 150 shows. Set in a dystopian world where love has been eradicated and lust is celebrated, Stalker: the Musical is a dark comedy that follows the story of Jay Cloudstreet, who finds himself unusually and illegally drawn to one particular girl.
Written by
David Russell and Alex Giles (whose films have screened everywhere from Hollywood to London), Stalker is directed by NYC based, Australian born director Benita de Wit and features a handful of up and coming talent from Australia including stars Blake Erickson (Sydney production of [title of show]), Michele Lansdown, David Bleier, Melody Beck and Christopher Hamilton. The Australian actors are joined by NYC based performers
Brian Ogilvie, Adam Rennie (Flashdance the Musical national tour), Sarita Nash, Tara Martinez Moran, Monet Sabel, Olle Roberg and Terrance Johnson. The show's music is composed by Andy Peterson, who recently contributed music to and appears in the upcoming film Happy Yummy Chicken which stars
Taryn Manning of the Emmy award nominated Orange is the New Black.
Performances will be held at the
Lynn Redgrave Theater @
Culture Project, located at 45 Bleecker Street New York, NY 10012. For tickets and show times, please head to