Summit Entertainment has released a new clip from "The Twilight Saga: New Moon." In this sneak peek Jacob's secret is revealed...
"New Moon" stars Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner reprise their "Twilight" roles as Bella, Edward and Jacob, with Chris Weitz directing. The motion picture, which centers on the character Bella being introduced to the world of werewolves while threatened by the Volturi, will be released domestically on November 20th.
Stage and screen vet Michael Sheen is featured in this "New Moon."
Michael Sheen who is best known for his roles in "Frost/Nixon" and "The Queen," portrays the leader of the Volturi, an Italy-based coven of vampires, in the "Twilight" sequel. Sheen has played a werewolf in all three "Underworld" films.
"Twilight," was a B.O. smash in its November 2008 debut, grossing $380 million worldwide.
Chris Weitz replaced Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke on "New Moon", the vampire thriller series represents a ready-made franchise for Summit with four books in Stephenie Meyer's series, which have sold more than 17 million copies worldwide.
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