Anyone who travels for work knows that living out of suitcases and sleeping in hotels every night can be taxing. Well, recently three members of the SISTER ACT First National Tour decided to liven up life on the road by creating "Sunday Intermission Cover." However with the impending end of their tour just weeks away, they have a challenge for all Broadway and Touring shows: Make a cover of a song during your 15-minute intermission on Sunday and post it to their website. Check out their official challenge video.
Every Sunday, Ashley Moniz, Chris Cooke, and Tad Wilson quickly change costumes and then set up in front of a camera to sing a new, stripped down song. So far they've covered "Let It Go," "Happy," "Follow Your Arrow," "California Gurlz," "Home," and many more. Check out all of the videos on their site.
You can also follow them on Twitter @SundayIntCover. Or follow #SIC creators Ashley Moniz @AshMonyMony, Chris Cooke @ChrisSpeaketh, and Tad Wilson @TadWilson. Also check out SISTER ACT as it winds down its tour.