Unique New York Productions (UniqueNewYorkProductions.com) has done it again with their hilarious parodies, this time with the "Sonic Yoga Tango," a spoof on CHICAGO'S "The Cell Block Tango, "featuring Broadway's Deidre Goodwin (CHICAGO, A CHORUS LINE, NINE, and "Chicago" - the movie), and J. Elaine Marcos (A CHORUS LINE, WEDDING SINGER, PRISCILLA QUEEN OF THE DESERT, and "Morning Glory") along with Emilee Dupre, Kaitlyn Davidson, Elizabeth Clinard, and Patrice Bunch as the Hell's Kitchen Yoginis. These girls discuss what it's like to be living in NYC, and what they do when they reach their boiling point.
Check it out below!
The rest of the cast includes Mike Kirsch, Brian Golub, Tim Roller, Matthew Steffens, Adam Lendermon, Patrick O'Neill, Freddie Kimmel, Shaun Parry, Ven Daniel, Rian Bodner, Antoinette DiPietropolo, Jackie Covas, Rachel Wright, Stephanie A. Linn, Maxx Passion, and Lori McAlister. With lighting design by Alex Marcos, editing by Marjorie LeWit, and filming by Mike Kirsch and Brian Golub.
For more information about Sonic Yoga, visit www.sonicyoga.com.