Discovery Channel's FROZEN PLANET, the seven-part series from the acclaimed documentary team behind PLANET EARTH, premiered on Sunday, March 18, 2012. A Discovery Channel/BBC co-production four years in the making, FROZEN PLANET is narrated by award-winning actor Alec Baldwin.
FROZEN PLANET provides the ultimate portrait of our earth's polar regions, where the scale and beauty of the scenery and sheer power of the natural elements are unlike anywhere else on the planet. To capture nature's majestic power - as well as its ultimate fragility - FROZEN PLANET's filmmakers utilized the latest cinematographic techniques and technology to capture groundbreaking imagery both above and below the ice in some of the most extreme and remote regions of our planet. The series' seventh episode, hosted on camera by British naturalist David Attenborough, will investigate what rising temperatures will mean for the people and wildlife that live there - and for the rest of the planet.
FROZEN PLANET: MAKING OF will air this Sunday, April 8, at 8 p.m. ET on Discovery. The special behind the scenes look will show us some of the more impossible shots the crews caught on tape, and how they pulled it off. Get a sneak peek below!