"Submissions Only," a new online television series, will premiere October 15th on YouTube featuring a slew of Broadway guest stars. "Submissions Only" is about auditioning for theatre in New York City. It follows a group of friends as they navigate the trips and falls, callbacks and trainwrecks experienced while working in the business.
Written, directed, starring and created by Kate Wetherhead and Andrew Keenan-Bolger, "Submissions Only" also features Colin Hanlon, Patrick Heusinger, Stephen Bienskie, Asmeret Ghebremichael, Cady Huffman, Lindsay Nicole Chambers, Andrew Keenan-Bolger, Annaleigh Ashford, Dana Steingold, David Beach, David Rossmer, Jason Michael Snow, Becca, Ayers, Kate Pazakis, Marken Greenwood, Sheri Sanders, Zakiya Young, Dio Anthony, Jeff Hiller, Mike Kelton, Jess Waxman, Scott Barnhardt and Cole Escola. The episode features original music by Adam Wachter."Submissions Only" will air on http://youtube.com/SubmissionsOnlyTV