"connie & jimmy" is romantic nostalgia. We romanticize the thought of taking a horse-carriage ride, as if it makes us feel connected to our ancestors, but it's actually quite the opposite. To honor them, we ought to observe the past and allow it to assist us in building a brighter future. "connie & jimmy" now know that the horse-drawn carriage industry is inhumane, dangerous to horses and people, and unnecessary. Alternatives are available. Watch "connie & jimmy"'s musical message below.
"connie & jimmy" supports City Council Intro. 86A, sponsored by Councilwoman Melissa Mark-Viverito. New legislation calls for a phase-out of horse carriages in New York and replacing them with the 21st Century "Horseless Carriage". For more about the issue to go www.EnforcedArch.com.
"connie & jimmy" cast and creative team: Connie Castanzo as Connie, James Koroni as Jimmy (and creative director, editor & producer), director of photography Joshua Katcher, audio engineer Christopher Ruskis, writers Rebecca Hall and James Koroni, and hair stylist Bettina May.