"Boss" is an original dramatic series from STARZ and Lionsgate Television, starring TV icon Kelsey Grammer and with its first episode directed by acclaimed filmmaker Gus Van Sant in his TV helming debut. Over its eight-episode season, the show centers on the Machiavellian machinations of a fictional Chicago mayor with a dark secret and is set to premiere exclusively on STARZ in October 2011. Check out a promo for the series by clicking below!
Joining Grammer, who will be making his first dramatic TV series debut as Chicago Mayor Tom Kane, in the main cast on "Boss" are Connie Nielsen (Gladiator, The Devil's Advocate) as his wife Meredith, a formidable Chicago power in her own right; Jeff Hephner ("The O.C.," "Hellcats," "Easy Money") as ambitious young politician Alex Zajac; Hannah Ware (Cop Out) as the Kanes' estranged daughter Emma; and Kathleen Robertson ("Girls Club," "Beverly Hills, 90210," Hollywoodland) as Mayor Kane's supremely organized aide Kitty O'Neil.
"Boss" was created by Farhad Safinia (Apocalypto), who is also an executive producer on the series, along with Grammer, Van Sant, Brian Sher, Stella Stolper, Richard Levine and Lyn Greene. Lionsgate Television is producing "Boss" in association with Grammer's Gramnet Productions and Sher and Stolper's Category 5 Entertainment.