The longest-running show in Broadway history, THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, offered its 10,000th performance today at 2 PM as a special benefit for The Actors Fund. PHANTOM star Hugh Panaro, currently playing the title character on Broadway, stopped by CBS This Morning to perform "Music of the Night" in honor of the show's milestone - check it out below!
Now in its 24th year, the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical was the first Broadway show to reach 10,000 performances.
PHANTOM OF THE OPERA is playing at The Majestic Theatre, located at 245 West 44th Street.
The Actors Fund is a national human services organization that helps everyone - performers and those behind the scenes - who works in performing arts and entertainment, helping more than 12,000 people directly each year, and hundreds of thousands online. Serving professionals in film, theatre, television, music, opera, radio and dance, The Fund's programs include social services and emergency assistance, health care and insurance, housing, and employment and training services. With offices in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago, The Actors Fund has - for 130 years - been a safety net for those in need, crisis or transition. Visit www.actorsfund.org.