Unconventional and outrageously funny, A Life In Her Day is a solo physical comedy that uses puppetry and object theatre to tell the story of a lifetime in a day in an hour. An original amalgam of Lucille Ball and Charlie Chaplin, Hilary Chaplain is a quirky physical comedienne who exposes her most intimate moments as she chases the elusive promises of happily ever after. Check out a first look below!
Using simple objects to create her own reality, Hlary fashions babies out of paper towels, a wedding dress out of a lamp shade, and lips from a Hostess Snoball. While pouring a bowl of cereal, out pops a prize: a big diamond ring. Her road to happiness is suddenly interrupted when everything falls apart - literally - and she's forced to make do and find joy with a very altered idea of what makes one happy. In the end, the audience is left with the sense that no matter what happens in life, we can and do go on. This seemingly simple story is filled with the pathos of a woman lone in the world who makes the best of what she has, and has a great time doing it!
Hilary has worked as both an actress (The Tempest directed by George C. Wolfe on Broadway) and a clown since the mid 1980s, performing her original solo and ensemble work in the US and abroad. A Life In Her Day has toured internationally to over 20 countries on 5 continents, and received numerous awards in Poland, Cuba, New York, Slovakia, Switzerland and the UK. She received the Excellence Award for Solo Show in New York, the Barbara MillerAward in the UK, and the Grand Prize both in Havana and at a solo puppet theater festival in Poland. A founding member of the New York Goofs, Hilary has appeared with them since 1998 in venues such as Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, and Avery Fisher Hall. From 1987 through 2011, she entertained children in NYC hospitals as "Nurse Nice" of the renowned Big Apple Circus Hosptial Clown Program.
Hilary was an original cast member in Bill Irwin's Largely/New York, and appeared on Broadway the Delacorte Theatre in Central Park as the Goddess Ceres in the NY Shakespeare Festival production of The Tempest. She also played a featured role in the 1994 Oscar winning movieForrest Gump. Hilary graduated from Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts a BA in Theatre Arts. Before graduating she spent time studying in Paris, France and So. Paris, Maine where she became involved in Physical Theatre, Mime, and Clown. Since college she has worked with such teaching greats as Bill Irwin, Tony Montanaro, Avner Eisenberg, Aitor Basauri, Julie Goell, Philippe Gaulier, Dick Monday, David Shiner, Bob Berky, and Angela de Castro to develop her skills and unique work.