"Smiley" Kylie Myers, a 12-year-old aspiring actress form Georgia, was diagnosed with Ewing's Sarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer, on April 9, 2014. Since then, Broadway stars, companies, and thousands of people around the world quickly adopted her. Hundreds of actors and crewmembers from almost every 2014 Broadway musical showered Kylie with photos and videos of support. Ensemble members and stars alike were moved by Kylie's courage, positive spirit and resilience throughout her difficult battle. Kylie was even promised a walk-on role in ALADDIN through the Make-a-Wish foundation and the ALADDIN company.
The Myers family received their tickets to NYC on Sunday, February 8, but Kylie wasn't feeling very well. On February 10, they cancelled their trip. Kylie died at home with her family by her side on Friday, February 13 - one day after her planned Broadway debut.
Kylie asked her family to promise her two things: take care of her kitten Eliza, and kill childhood cancer so that no other child has to die. They've promised, to the best of their abilities, to do both.
And even though she had to miss her walk-on Broadway role, Kylie still made her Broadway debut on a billboard in Times Square. Back in November, theTruth365 filmed a childhood cancer awareness Public Service Announcement featuring Kylie. It premiered on the largest billboard in Times Square on Wednesday, April 22 and was replayed on April 23. The family decided to make the trip to NYC to see the premiere and ask viewers if their reactions could be filmed.
Get wind of the thought-provoking, emotional video. For more information about Smiley For Kylie, check out the Facebook page.