The third episode of "Submissions Only," an online musical television series, premieres on Monday, January 17th on YouTube featuring a slew of Broadway guest stars.
"Submissions Only" is about auditioning for theatre in New York City. It follows a group of friends as they navigate the trips and falls, callbacks and trainwrecks experienced
while working in the business.
Written, directed, starring and created by Kate Wetherhead and Andrew Keenan-Bolger, Episode 3 will also feature Colin Hanlon, Patrick Heusinger, Stephen Bienskie, Asmeret Ghebremichael, Lindsay Nicole Chambers, Santino Fontana, Annaleigh Ashford, Anne L. Nathan, Cortney Wolfson, Tyler Maynard, Alan Campbell, Ann Harada, Pamela Dayton, Becky Gulsvig, Brad Gardner, Jessica Grove, Minami Yusui, Bret
Shuford, Merrill Grant, Jaclyn Huberman, Kevin Covert, Adam Heller and more!
The episode features original songs by Adam Gwon, Kate Wetherhead, Devon Goffman and Andrew Keenan-Bolger.
"Submissions Only" airs on
Link to episode 3