After a successful tour of the US and Canada, the critically acclaimed solo show, Spitting In The Face Of The Devil, returns to New York City for an Encore Performance at the United Solo Theatre Festival. Written and performed by Bob Brader and directed and developed by Suzanne Bachner. The award winning solo show has been produced in numerous venues and festivals including the New York International Fringe Festival, Garage Theatre Group's Solo Fest, Inaugural United Solo Theatre Festival, Orlando International Fringe Festival, Inaugural Woodstock Memoir Festival (headlined by the McCourt Brothers-Frank, Alphie & Malachy), San Francisco Fringe Festival, Atlantic Fringe Festival, Omega Institute, Victoria Fringe Festival, London Fringe Festival and the Montreal Fringe Festival.
In this daring, uplifting and often comedic solo show, acclaimed monologist Bob Brader tells the gripping true story of discovering that his abusive and charismatic ex-Marine father is a pedophile. A powerful tale of personal survival and triumph, Winner of five Best of Fest Awards including Best Show, London Fringe Festival and Best Script, United Solo Festival. Hailed by critics as "brilliant", "masterful" and "unforgettable."
The creative team includes lighting design by Cory Pattak and technical direction by Katie Chai.
Performances take place at Theatre Row/Studio Theatre, 410 West 42nd Street (between 9th & 10th Avenues) New York, NY 10036. Subways: A/C/E to 42nd Street. Tickets are $19.25 (including a $1.25 theatre restoration charge) and are available at the Theatre Row box office, or at 212-239-6200 -
Show Date: Tonight, September 25th @ 9:00 pm
Running time: 80 minutes
More info available at