Today we are shining a special solo spotlight on this weekend's hotly anticipated PBS presentation of Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett's CHEEK TO CHEEK: LIVE! Miss the special? Click here to watch online.
I Can't Give You Anything But Love "Look at all the little jazz babies in the first row," Lady Gaga gleefully shares with the audience before launching into a sensitive and delicate rendition of the title song from this year's unexpected hit studio album collaboration with music icon Tony Bennett of the same name, "Cheek To Cheek". One of the foremost features making CHEEK TO CHEEK: LIVE! such a sensational thrill beyond even that of the album it represents is to witness the chance that it allows for Lady Gaga to imbue the live event with her trademark theatrical tendencies - and she does just that, with a stream of stylish costumes and fabulous hairstyles, though never overwhelming the proceedings with any of it. While this may not be traditional PBS fare in general to begin with given her controversial reputation in the music industry and beyond for wild stage shows and general button-pushing mise en scene, Gaga pays considerable credence to the idea of less is more here - appreciably so. After all, the opportunity to perform alongside a modern living legend such as Bennett is a rare one and Gaga pays him the respect that he has rightly earned while still displaying some of the outre spunk and outlandish allure that remains her bread and butter - well, that and great vocals, that is. And, great vocals these are - maybe even more impressive than the sumptuously produced studio album itself.View the complete PBS presentation of Lady Gaga & Tony Bennett's CHEEK TO CHEEK: LIVE! below.
Photo Credits: PBS