SING AFTER STORMS is a modern story of mental illness, family dynamics, and the risks a man will take to keep his life together. Written and directed by Christa Avampato, SING AFTER STORMS is a gripping drama surrounding Dr. Jack Young and his team, recently nominated for the Nobel Prize for the unconventional methods they use to treat patients and remove the stigma around mental illness. As the announcement of the award is made, legal allegations threaten to undermine Jack's success in every facet of his life. Desperate to hold together his career, marriage, and family, Jack attempts to halt the unraveling of the reputation he has worked so hard to build by taking on one last patient. SING AFTER STORMS follows Dr. Jack Young as his wife, daughter, and colleagues alternately struggle to illuminate and to preserve Jack's secrets.
SING AFTER STORMS appears as part of the 2014 Thespis Theater Festival, hosted at the Cabrini Repertory Theater in Fort Washington (701 Washington Avenue, Manhattan, A train to 190th Street). SING AFTER STORMS will be performed tonight, June 18 (8:45pm), Saturday, June 21 (9:00pm), and Sunday, June 22 (9:30pm).