Sex In A Coma, a new play by Susan Eve Haar, will make its New York City debut directed by renowned director Lee Breuer, in his first collaboration with a living American playwright. The play stars Tony® Award nominee Paul Kandel (The Who's TOMMY, Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame), David-Julian Melendez (User 927 and Romeo & Juliet at HERE), Obie Award winner Maude Mitchell (Mabou Mines Dollhouse, The Laramie Project), Obie Award winner Ching Valdes-Aran (Oresteia, Flipzoids), Jessica Weinstein (Mabou Mines DollHouse, The Best), and Wendy vanden Heuvel (The Barbie Project, Resurrection Blues). Music for the play will be composed by Eve Beglarian (Mabou Mines DollHouse, Animal Magnetism).
The show plays tonight, December 1st through December 11th, at HERE Arts Center (145 Sixth Avenue, NYC).
About their collaboration, Susan Eve Haar said, "Working with Lee Breuer is a privilege. He gets the characters, he gets the play, he gets me. His work with actors is phenomenal. There is a continuous kaleidoscope of invention and experimentation. He invites collaboration, watching with a third eye for what works and there is always the surprise; brilliant intuition that comes seemingly out of nowhere."
Sex In A Coma explores what it means to live in a body; what is the self and what is the soul. It is also a love story, a Romeo and Juliet of alternative consciousness. Inspired by a newspaper headline, "Girl Raped in Coma," the play explores neuroscience, belief, and the complications that arise when the two conflict.
Tickets for Sex In A Coma, priced $18, are now on sale at, and via phone at 212-352-3101 . The performance schedule is as follows: December 1-2 at 6:00 p.m., December 3 at 1:30 and 6:00 p.m., December 4 at 1:30 p.m., December 6-9 at 6:00 p.m., December 10 at 1:30 and 6:00 p.m., and December 11 at 1:30 p.m.
This production is a part of HEREstay, HERE's curated rental program, which provides artists with subsidized space and equipment, as well as technical and administrative support.