'Secrets of Columbine', written by Lance Laytner and directed by Michelle Laytner and Mimi Stuart, is based on interviews with students and community members and tells the story of the Columbine shooting and aftermath in their own words. Lance Laytner went to Littleton, Colorado and spent three weeks gaining the trust of the local residents, who were very wary of talking with press. After convincing them that he was after a greater truth, and not part of the press corps who were looking to sensationalize the story, Lance came back with hours of interviews, and the final script consists entirely of the words of the people he talked with in Littleton.
'Secrets of Columbine' reveals not only how future tragedies can be prevented, but also how a part of the Littleton community used the presence of the press to their advantage.
'Secrets of Columbine' is being performed at the Crown Theatre at the Producer's Club, 358 West 44 Street on Friday April 24 at 8:00 PM,Saturday, April 25 at 3:00 PM and 8:00 PM, and Sunday April 26 at 2:00 PM and 8:00 PM. Tickets are available atwww.brownpapertickets.com/event/1438488.
The Children's Acting Company, part of The Children's Acting Academy, produces numerous theatrical productions every year, performed at various off-off- Broadway theatres. Mimi Stuart is the artistic director of The Children's Acting Academy, called "One of the Top 5 Broadway Schools for Kids in New York" by CBS. The Children's Acting Academy has many alumni in Broadway and off Broadway shows, on television, and in many of the top acting high schools in New York.