Roulette presents "Five Beasts" a collaboration between Grammy Award winning performance artist Rinde Eckert and highly acclaimed musician Ned Rothenberg. "Five Beasts" is a set of human portraits of men and women seen as if by an animal, the language a kind of music or noise, the gestures unaccountable. We are, most of us, lost in a forest of our own design, a welter of unconscious narratives, the pull of our complicated past, an obsessive constructor of futures, howling our troubled allegory of self: this is ourmasquerade-cum-delusion. But the animal informs and teaches us - if we listen. We are absurd and amazed, and sometimes beautiful, in our utter ignorance.
Performance artist/vocalist Rinde Eckert and composer/performer Ned Rothenberg first worked together over 20 years ago in a production of Power Failure by the Paul Dresher Ensemble and have fantasized about a future collaboration ever since. In October 2012, the chance came at the Walls and Bridges festival, presented at Roulette by Lyon's Villa Gillet. The response to their Five Beasts was overwhelming, prompting Roulette director Jim Staley to invite Eckert and Rothenberg to expand the piece into an evening length work. Ned and Rinde are joined by beatbox artist Adam Matta in this new version.Rinde Eckart & Ned Rothenberg in "Five Beasts" will perform tonight, May 31, 8pm at Roulette, 509 Atlantic Ave Brooklyn, 2/3/4/5/A/C/G/D/M/N/R/B/Q trains & the LIRR. Cost: $15/10. For more information, visit or call 917.267.0368. Follow the link to learn more about the event.
Roulette - one of New York City's premiere venues for experimental music for over 33 years - has reopened bigger and better than ever. Located in a newly renovated 1920s Art Deco concert hall in Downtown Brooklyn, the new Roulette features two levels of seating for up to 400 people (600 standing), an expanded multi-channel sound system, projection screen for film and multi-media events, state-of-the-art lighting system, modular stage, and a specially designed floor to accommodate dance. Teamed with bold new programming, the new Roulette promises to be one of the most exciting places in New York City - if not the country - to experience adventurous music and art.