Rosie's Theater Kids is seeking an original musical for production in the summer of 2011. The selected musical will be given a full production at the Maravel Arts Center in Midtown Manhattan and will be performed by the scholarship students in the program.
We are seeking a completed musical no longer than 90 minutes in length that is appropriate for high school students. Special consideration will be given to musicals with urban themes. In addition to the production, the chosen creative team will be awarded a small honorarium for their work.
Rosie's Theater Kids will provide all of the necessary artistic and design staff for the production.
PLEASE SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING (please note, submissions will not be returned):
Steven Jamail
c/o Rosie's Theater Kids
445 West 45th Street
New York, NY 10036
Deadline: December 10th, 2010
Founded in 2003 by Rosie O'Donnell and Lori Klinger, Rosie's Theater Kids is an arts education organization dedicated to enriching the lives of children through the arts. Using professional teaching artists, Rosie's Theater Kids provides instruction in dance, drama and music and a professional theater experience for children who might otherwise not have the opportunity.