's newest TV host Haviland Stillwell is moonlighting for our readers, covering the latest R Family Vacation cruise! "Spring Break on the Mexican Riviera" is the cruise line's first trip to Mexico and Haviland will be giving a first hand account of all the going ons. It's your special backstage pass to all the fun and excitement right here on! For more information on R Family Vacations, including details on their upcoming Summer Cruise, click here!
Diary Entry #4:On the last day of the Rosie Cruise, everyone trudges around, partly hungover and partly depressed, not wanting it to end! When you're on this boat for a week, by about day four, it becomes the norm, and you start to assume you'll always be in Utopia, with the same people and the same organic atmosphere (I know, this is an oxymoron being on a cruise ship).
The penultimate evening was "Heroes" night. The kids (and some enthusiastic adults) dressed up in a multitude of best costumes for the day, including all the superheroes, firefighters, and random pop icons. Gregg and Kelli, in gorgeous threads designed by Tony Award Nominee Bobby Pearce, were Mighty Mouse and Wonder Woman. They are always inspiring, the two of them, like the coolest camp councelors you've ever met.I wore my own clothes and said I was Claire Bennet, Hayden Panettiere's character on the series, "Heroes." I could be an indestructible high school cheerleader, right?Videos