's newest TV host Haviland Stillwell is moonlighting for our readers, covering the latest R Family Vacation cruise! "Spring Break on the Mexican Riviera" is the cruise line's first trip to Mexico and Haviland will be giving a first hand account of all the going ons. It's your special backstage pass to all the fun and excitement right here on! For more information on R Family Vacations, including details on their upcoming Summer Cruise, click here!
Diary Entry #3:Can we talk about Shoshana Bean? Why this girl is not already on the Billboard Charts is beyond me. She sang last night at the piano bar, and was incredible. Shoshana riffs her way through everything, which is delightful. Watching her sing, riffing more intricately the longer she went, the higher the song, I actually continued to remind myself to relax my jaw and drop my larynx, which were tight out of awed confusion – like, how is she making that sound?
When I was about twelve, I was obsessed with "Suddenly Seymour," and sang it basically around the clock. I was like a party trick, because I imitated the recording exactly, and adults were impressed. I decided I should start taking voice lessons, and my mom took me to a woman in Atlanta, who heard me sing, and told me I was doing everything wrong, and if I continued singing that way, I wouldn't have a voice soon enough. Being entirely good, controlling, and panicky about that thought, I stopped singing almost entirely, opting to only sing very legit, and mostly classically. As the years have gone on, I am shifting that, but sometimes, like last night, watching Shoshana tear it up, I think, "what would have happened if I hadn't ever gone to see that woman?" She shut me down, and I really believed something awful would happen to me if I kept simply singing that way. She could have been right, and I do believe classical training is the way to go, but with that must come a balance of freedom and fun! I was paranoid to even sing in the car without engaging my lowers abdominals. Seriously. Whenever I teach master (mistress?) classes now, I try to insill confidence, because conifident people are so much hotter. You know?Videos