's newest TV host Haviland Stillwell is moonlighting for our readers, covering the latest R Family Vacation cruise! "Spring Break on the Mexican Riviera" is the cruise line's first trip to Mexico and Haviland will be giving a first hand account of all the going ons. It's your special backstage pass to all the fun and excitement right here on! For more information on R Family Vacations, including details on their upcoming Summer Cruise, click here!
Diary Entry #2:She's stunningly mesmerizing, that Cyndi Lauper. The first time I saw her in concert, I was four, and it was my first concert. My mom took me, and we were dressed in full Cyndi costume, which wasn't a change for Mom, whose style in the 80s was often compared to Ms. Lauper's. I remember wearing a side ponytail and mini-skirt, and watching her Molly Ringwald kick-dance onto stage to sing "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun," with pinkish spiky hair and a neon green frilly dress.
My second Lauper experience was two years ago on the Rosie Cruise, in Alaska, where Riese and I deemed the best costume of the day to be "the girls who want to have fun," and I pretty much repeated my get-up from twenty years prior. We sat with Kelli and Rosie, screamed with excitement and cried when she sang "True Colors."Videos