's newest TV host Haviland Stillwell is moonlighting for our readers, covering the latest R Family Vacation cruise! "Spring Break on the Mexican Riviera" is the cruise line's first trip to Mexico and Haviland will be giving a first hand account of all the going ons. It's your special backstage pass to all the fun and excitement right here on! For more information on R Family Vacations, including details on their upcoming Summer Cruise, click here!
Diary Entry #1:Well, here I am, on my third Rosie Cruise! We are somewhere between San Diego and Cabo San Lucas at the moment, there are people on the Lido Deck dancing to "We R Family" and Cyndi Lauper is gearing up to show us her true colors!
My first r Family Vacations Cruise was July 2006, to Alaska, and the second, last summer, to the Caribbean. Rosie and I (and subsequently her family and r family) became friends while we were on Broadway together in FIDDLER ON THE ROOF. I actually met Rosie when I was a little girl, working on the film "Now and Then," before her talk show had started. She and Kelli invited me to perform on board after FIDDLER closed, and again last summer. This time was last minute – I literally decided three days ago to hop aboard.Videos