In 2025, Left No Ring is set to debut three projects, starting with the Broadway production of Operation Mincemeat.
Actress/Writer Raye Levine-Spielberg and Writer/Director JT Tsou have announced the launch of Left No Ring Productions, a new U.S.-based independent production company. With a focus on stories that not only entertain, but inspire and bridge divergent worlds, their company looks to champion projects across film, television, and theater, highlighting underdogs and marginalized communities.
In 2025, Left No Ring is set to begin production on several films, and debut three projects, starting with the Broadway production of Operation Mincemeat, which opens on March 20th. Since the start of previews, Operation Mincemeat has already been extended twice. Raye and JT serve as Co-Producers on the show.
Operation Mincemeat, a six-time Olivier award-winning original musical (including Best New Musical) is the best-reviewed show in London’s West End history, with book, music and lyrics by David Cumming, Felix Hagan, Natasha Hodgson, and Zoë Roberts. Based on an actual British World War II secret mission, the musical combines high jinks and high stakes illuminating covert events that actually happened. Operation Mincemeat is a joyful, high-energy exploration of history with smart and unforgettable performances.
Left No Ring’s film and television projects in development include psychological thriller Screech from director Jesse Anholt, which Levine is also attached to star in, Nana vs. Time, a buddy adventure comedy , comedic-thriller The Dregs, starring Nava Mau, erotic drama Is This Okay?, rom-com feature Single File, and psychological drama The Fortune Teller’s Daughter, an original series that explores the supernatural, with A Touch More attached to co-produce. In theater, Left No Ring is producing the off-Broadway production On the 5:31, a love triangle dramedy by Mando Alvarado, and the theater productions of Mythic, Of You, and Bzzz.
"Raye and I first met through our mutual friend, Molly Conners [of Phiphen], and it was an instant connection. There was an immediate level of comfort, familiarity, and realness I felt with Raye,” says Tsou. “We found we have very similar goals in regards to the type of art we're trying to make and champion; and similar values as to how that art should be made and achieved. It was an absolute no-brainer when we decided to start a production company together. Our goal is to have this company be an extension of and embody who we are as artists. Not only to be able to make the art we want to see, but to also enable other artists to be able to make and tell their stories. Raye and I are scrappy, unapologetic, and excited to take our place in the creative world we love so much."
Levine-Spielberg added “JT is a force of nature and I couldn’t be more excited to team up with her on this and many more projects to come. We compliment each other's skill sets and match each other’s energy and passion for exciting, provocative, and layered stories— from the stage to the screen.”
Levine, previously seen in Leviticus (Edinburgh Fringe Fest), will continue acting in addition to her role as co-founder at Left No Ring Productions. She has upcoming roles in the following feature films, Almost Grace, On The End, Don’t Let Her Out, and Brute, all due to release this year.
Tsou is an award-winning theater and TV writer, director, and producer with credits spanning across Chain Theatre, Netflix, PBS, Nickelodeon, Paramount, Peacock, and Disney, and will continue to write with her writing partner, Aria Bryan (actress/writer).
Photo credits:
Raye: Marc McAndrews
JT: Sam Brook