Renowned actor-writer Bill Connington presented his first feature film Love, Repeat at the prestigious Dolby Screening Room in Midtown, Manhattan on December 16th, 2019. The film received its first private screening for an audience of industry professionals, cast and crew.
Connington wrote and starred in this comedy which features New York City in the winter snow. He stars alongside Leenya Rideout (War Horse, Mona Lisa Smile), Marcus Ho (Succession, The Good Wife), Nandita Shenoy (Daredevil) and Carole Monferdini (As the World Turns, Next Stop Greenwich Village). The film was directed by Canadian filmmaker Shelagh Carter (Into Invisible Light, Before You Say Anything).
Bill Connington, an award-winning actor and writer, is best known for his turn in the film Zombie based on the novella by iconic author Joyce Carol Oates. Connington is quickly becoming one of the emerging New York filmmakers to watch. He is currently working on his next feature film Poughkeepsie is for Lovers, a psychological horror.