Einstein's Dreams, a new musical about the legendary scientist, has been postponed at The Prince Music Theater in Philadelphia, PA. The show was originally to have run from March 4th through 26th."This work is rich with possibilities, and we are especially
disappointed as we had to postpone the production once before. Nevertheless, as a company that has mounted more than 100 world
premieres, we know that at times new work takes far longer to develop
than initially anticipated," stated Prince Music Theatre producing director Marjorie Samoff. "We are immensely grateful for the
continuing support and encouragement throughout this process of Dr.
Alan Lightman, and for the collaboration of Dr. Brian Schwartz, vice
president for sponsored programs, and the Graduate Center of the City
University of New York, our partners in developing the show."Based on a book by Alan Lightman, the musical features a book by Albert Innaurato. "Luminous, poetic and deeply human, this new adaptation of Alan Lightman's
best-selling novel imagines young Albert Einstein's dreams just before
he wrote his special Theory of Relativity. The Prince brings to the
stage an evocative fable which explores the essence of time, the
adventure of creativity, the glory of possibility and the intoxication
of love," states the Prince's website on the musical.
Plans for the production are forthcoming, and will mostly likely be announced in the coming weeks.
Subscribers and single ticket holders will be able to either exchange
their tickets for a future production, receive a full refund or
convert the value of their ticket into a tax-deductible contribution
toward the Prince Campaign for Excellence and Innovation for developing
new works.
Call (215) 215-569-9700 or email boxoffice@princemusictheater.org for more information.