Join Theatre Library Association on October 18, 2013 for a discussion on digital access and performing arts research, from the alternate perspectives of a researcher and a librarian; focusing on the ways in which performing arts scholarship changes when previously hidden or unknown collections become digitally accessible. Dr. Wilson will discuss his experience researching and writing Bulldaggers, Pansies, and Chocolate Babies: Performance, Race, and Sexuality in the Harlem Renaissance. Professor Thistlethwaite will discuss the digital turn as it impacts humanities research and scholarship through her experiences as Chief Librarian at the CUNY Graduate Center and through her own research.Together they will provide a sense of the shifting landscape of twenty-first century research and share complementary perspectives on navigating this new ground.
James Wilson is Professor of English and Theatre at LaGuardia Community College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, and he is currently the Executive Director of the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies (CLAGS). Areas of research include queer theatre and performance, African American theatre, and pedagogy. His articles and reviews have appeared in Urban Education, Teaching English in the Two-Year College, Ecumenica,Theatre History Studies, and several essay anthologies. He is co-editor of The Journal of American Drama and Theatre, which is published by the MartinE.Segal Theatre Center (CUNY Graduate Center), and he serves on the nominating committee for the Drama Desk Awards. His book, Bulldaggers, Pansies, and Chocolate Babies: Race, Performance, and Sexuality in the Harlem Renaissance, was published by University of Michigan Press in 2010, and a paperback version was released in 2011.Videos