The Divided States of America:
FREE Exhibition this Monday October 5th
Savio Steps of Sproul Plaza
*In front of the Administration building
UC Berkeley
"Divided State Of America," a provocative, larger than life, six piece collection of 4'X8' paintings by internationally renowned San Francisco spray paint artist Chor Boogie, will be visiting the UC Berkeley campus in Berkeley, California, this coming Monday, October 5, 2015.
The paintings were created to highlight the tension between the broken pieces of an ideologically fractured America and to address and reflect the issues that divide us - immigration, energy, foreign policy, race, the economy, class, religion, education, the environment, taxes, welfare, social security, health care, climate change, war, sexual orientation, etc.
The exhibit is non partisan and its goal is not to promote any particular political agenda but to encourage constructive discourse about these issues, to strike to the heart of partisan dissent and encourage people to begin to find solutions through discussion and debate in a way that only the power of art can do. It has been lauded by critics and the public alike as groundbreaking, powerful, disturbing, provocative, impactful, inspiring, timely, and controversial. The event is being hosted by the Associated Students University of California and is in collaboration with the UCSA student voter registration drive.
UC Berkeley and the Savio Steps were chosen to launch the 2016 US college tour of the exhibit because of their historical significance and symbolism with regard to the Free Speech Movement that began there in 1964. The steps are named after Mario Savio, one of the leaders of the Free Speech Movement, who gave his now famous speech from the steps. The protests surrounding the movement were unprecedented in scope at the time and centered around the insistence by students that the university administration lift the ban of on campus political activities and acknowledge the students' right to free speech and academic freedom. After UC Berkeley the exhibit will be traveling to UCSC and other college campuses across the United States and will continue throughout the 2016 Presidential Campaign season right up until next year's election in November with stops in Cleveland and Philadelphia next July, 2016, during the Republican and Democratic conventions.
For more info visit the Divided State Of America
website or
Facebook page.