For the final installment of Greenwich House Music School's 26th annual North River Music Series, pianist and GHMS faculty member Taka Kigawa will perform an evening of prized John Cage works, including selections from Cage's monumental Etudes Australes, tonight, June 7th in the school's Renee Weiler Concert Hall. This occasion will also mark Mr. Kigawa's first solo concert at Greenwich House Music School.
The Etudes Australes (a total of 32 Etudes, organized into 4 books, each book having 8 Etudes) consists of single tones and combinations derived from star charts of the Atlas Australis. Although the work is notated on conventional staves, there are no dynamic markings nor pedal instructions, allowing the player to freely interpret the notes given. Taka Kigawa performs John CageVideos