Dry Run is now available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
The serial podcast, DRY RUN, which is the audio version of Nikki MacCallum's memoir released by Auctus Publishers in 2019, had its launch party last month at Jungle Bird in New York City. The event was produced by Kevin Martinez.
Industry folk celebrated alongside MacCallum and a cast including Tony Award Winning producer David Lambert; film star Patrick McCartney, America's Next Top Model winner, Sophie Sumner, Broadway's Kelvin Moon Loh, and more. The podcast, which features a cast of fifty-one was directed by Nikki MacCallum, cast by Tessa Faye Talent LLC, engineered by Emily Crain, with original music by Brandon James Gwinn.
MacCallum's father ran 32 marathons. He was also a recovering alcoholic. She ran her first marathon as a Hail Mary pass to him after he experienced a near death relapse. DRY RUN has 26.2 episodes, each representing a mile of that marathon and compares the challenges of marathoning to the struggles of addiction. Dry Run is now available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
Photo Credit: Kenny Stolfi
Nikki MacCallum, Patrick McCartney
Nikki MacCallum, Kelvin Moon Loh
Nikki MacCallum, Sophie Sumner
Brandon James Gwinn, Nikki MacCallum
Brooke Chaffee, Shawn Arani
Rachel Lenihan, Nikki MacCallum
Sam Morales, Tessa Faye, Nikki MacCallum, Sarah Faye Beard
Nikki MacCallum, David Gazzo
Daniel Landers, Nicole Wells
Nikki MacCallum, Penny MacCallum
Brianna Cala, Joe Boyce
Austin Doyle, Brianna Cala
Andrea Weinberg, Nikki MacCallum, Natalie Wesson, Angela Denny
Franny Berkowitz, Frank Perz
Kyle Bergman, Nikki MacCallum
Mark Dudzinski, Nikki MacCallum
Nikki MacCallum, Tara Nicole Murphy, Justin Gentry
Kevin Martinez, Nikki MacCallum
Damon Clyde, Nikki MacCallum
Nikki MacCallum, Gail Luria
Dustin Buller, Sarah Faye Beard