This show is a personal story of one family's daily lives, as well as a sweeping account of all we faced as a city, a nation, and a global community.
The Public Theater is presenting a remounted production of Suzan-Lori Parks' PLAYS FOR THE PLAGUE YEAR, which opened yesterday, Tuesday, April 18.
See photos from opening night below!
On March 13, 2020, as theaters shut their doors and so many of us went into lockdown, Suzan-Lori Parks picked up her pen and her guitar and set out to write a play every day. What emerged is a breathtaking anthology of plays and songs that chronicle our collective experience and the hope and perseverance that occurred throughout that troubling year. Performed in the intimate music venue, Joe's Pub, PLAYS FOR THE PLAGUE YEAR is a theatrical concert featuring the music and plays of Suzan-Lori Parks. At once, it is both a personal story of one family's daily lives, as well as a sweeping account of all we faced as a city, a nation, and a global community. Niegel Smith directs this life-affirming new work that beams with humor and humanity, bears witness to what we've experienced, and offers inspiration as we shape our future.
The complete cast of the remount of PLAYS FOR THE PLAGUE YEAR includes Suzan-Lori Parks as "The Writer," Edward Astor Chin, Rona Figueroa, Leland Fowler, Danyel Fulton, Greg Keller, Orville Mendoza, Lauren Molina, Joe Osheroff, Danea Osseni, Nathan M. Ramsey, and Martín Solá.
Suzan-Lori Parks, Niegel Smith
Suzan-Lori Parks, Niegel Smith
Oskar Eustis, Suzan-Lori Parks, Niegel Smith
Oskar Eustis, Suzan-Lori Parks, Niegel Smith
Graham Kozak, Ric Molina, Suzan-Lori Parks, Ray Marchica
Graham Kozak, Ric Molina, Suzan-Lori Parks, Ray Marchica
Martin Solá
Martin Solá
Rona Figureoa
Rona FIgureoa
Nathan M. Ramsey
Nathan M. Ramsey
Edward Astor Chin
Edward Astor Chin
Christian Konopka, Suzan-Lori Parks, and son Durham
Christian Konopka, Suzan-Lori Parks, and son Durham
Nathan M. Ramsey, Danea Osseni, Joe Osheroff, Edward Astor Chin
Nathan M. Ramsey, Danea Osseni, Joe Osheroff, Edward Astor Chin
Melinda Basaca, Rodrigo Munoz
Melinda Basaca, Rodrigo Munoz
Dan Moses Schreier
Dan Moses Schreier