Bertolt Brecht's classic anti-Nazi play The Private Life of the Master Race will start performances on March 30th at Walkerspace (46 Walker St. in Soho). Presented by the Roust Theatre Company in a new translation by Binyamin Shalom, it will run through April 22nd.The play features Peter Levine, Tracy Hostmyer, Betty Hudson, Khris Lewin, Nicholas Daniele, Brad Russell, Kristin Barnett and David Beck. James Phillip Gates directs.The show's performance schedule is Wednesdays-Saturdays at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $15 and can be reserved by calling SmartTix at 212 868 4444 or online at by David Gochfeld
Peter Levine as
Husband and Tracy Hostmyer as Jewish Wife Betty Hudson as Cook,
Khris Lewin as Worker and Nicholas Daniele as Secret Police Khris Lewin as Worker, Betty
Hudson as Cook and Nicholas Daniele as Secret Police Kristin Barnett
and David Beck as Students, Brad Russell as Surgeon and Betty Hudson
Peter Levine as Husband and Tracy Hostmyer as Jewish Wife Khris Lewin as
Worker and Nicholas Daniele as Secret Police